Monday, October 29, 2018

Microsoft Expert Word Exam (77-726)Sample Questions

Microsoft Power Point 2016 Exam Questions 77-726

Manage document options and settings (35-40%)
Design advanced documents (20-25%)
Create advanced references (20-25%)
Create custom Word elements (15-20%)
  1. Modify the Heading 2 style font to 20 point teal, Accent 5, Darket 50
  2. Copy the Normal style from Normal.dotm into xxxx.docx Overwrite the existing Normal Style
  3. Add the caption of the figure, the text figure 1 will be added automatically
  4. Modify the document ensure that changes made are tracked
  5. Create a font set named “abcxyz” that has the heading font sent to Cambria
  6. Configure the word to save Auto recovery information every 15 minutes
  7. Set the application default font 12 Bookman old style for document only
  8. Create a paragraph style named objective that is based on the list of paragraph style applied to the text A, add 8 to 12 learning objectives
  9. Modify the document to require that formatting changes can only be made by applying styles .Do not enforce protection
  10. Add a save date field to the top of the document .Use the date format of MM
  11. Mark the comment on page 1 as done (resolved)
  12. Change the style of all text currently formatted as termd to termedB style.
  13. Mark an index entry for all instances of “Abcxyz”
  14. Add list of figures .Use the distinctive format
  15. Set the proofing language of the word “abcxyz” in the second paragraph of the the section 11 to French language
  16. Insert the file abc.docx from document folder , Modification to the file abc.docx should be automatically reflected in xyz.dotm
  17. Move the last two bullet from top bullet list to the end of bottom bullet list .the bullet list should be formatted as they are pasted into .Remove the empty bullets
  18. Record a Macro named “Emphasis” that increases the font size of selected text by one increment and format it as Bold, Italic when user presses Atl+Ctl+9.The macro should be stored in all documents based on the “abcxyz” template
  19. Create an new recipient list with the first name “Abc” and the last name “xyz” .Save the list to the My Data source folder as “Pingpong”
  20. Without adding a page break , Format the paragraph with “Abc”
  21. Accept insertion and deletion , Do not accept Format changes
  22. Create the character style “Hello” that is based on the default Paragraph font with bold and italic applied
  23. Prevent the user from changing the theme or Quick style set.Do not enforce protection
  24. Beneath the “Display” heading .insert an index that uses classic format .Right Align page numbers
  25. Save the paragraph with the text “Abc” in the quick parts gallery in Building Books Accepts all defaults

Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Microsoft Power Point 2016 Exam Questions 77-729

MOS 2016 Power Point Topics

Over view of Exam 77-729

Exam Questions Samples

  1. Delete the Slide
  2. Configure printing options ,three slides per pages and all copies of first pages should be print before copies of 2nd pages
  3. Apply the small caps effect
  4. Group all the pictures
  5. Change the colors of slide 2 to 5 to Monochromatic Platte 7
  6. New Slide Layout with picture place holder on right and text place holder on left
  7. Arrange the images on slide so that their middle are aligned
  8. Reorder the animation of images of slide 3 so that they fade in one in one from left to right
  9. Change the color of car to blue and outline yellow
  10. Animate the icon so that it fly from left
  11. Save the presentation in .pdf
  12. Configure the printing to print any specific section
  13. Change the slide size 8 Inch wide and 11 inch high, Scale the content to ensure fit
  14. Create a custom slide show in which only specific slide includes
  15. Embed the fonts for the characters used in the presentations
  16. Configure the audio clips plays automatically ,Hide the icon during the show
  17. On the image apply the rounded diagonal corner, White style and plastic wrap effect
  18. Move the specific object group to back
  19. Set the transition effect from bottom for all slides
  20. On specific slide Apply word art style Pattern filled, Dark Purple ,Accent 3,Narrow Horizontal ,Inner Shadow (Pattern fill ,Dark Purple,Accent Colour 3,Narrow Horizontal stripe ,inner shadow) to the text
  21. Move the slide
  22. At the end of presentation add new slides from the outline
  23. Chang the Chart of the slide to a 3D Chart
  24. Hide the comments in presentation
  25. Apply medium Style 2,Accent 3 to table ,Modify the styles so that Coloumns alternate fill colors and rows do not
  26. Change the Handout Masters to have  the left footer read “Draft”
  27. Apply the moderate Effect –Light Blue ,Accent 2 Style to image
  28. For all slides set the duration delay to 5 sec and no sound
  29. Crop the video so that area shown begins 1.5 “   from the left Margin
  30. Apply the circle shape motion path to 24 point star shape
  31. Add the media place holder
  32. Duplicate the slide
  33. Configure the printing option to print five copies of the presentations with three slide per pages and first page should be print before second page
  34. Apply the small caps effect to text

Squid Cache Directories Delete and Rebuild

Check you squid.conf file and locate the location of you cache directory, you should have line starting with "cache_dir"

1) Shutdown your squid server
squid -k shutdown

2) Remove the cache directory
rm -r /squid/cache/*

3) Re-Create the squid cache directory
squid -z

4) Start the squid